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Peer Reviewed Articles*
* Includes all refereed articles that are both published as complete peer-reviewed papers and indexed in Index Medicus.

Umar H: A new apparatus for coating grids with a thin layer of pioloform. Mikroskopie 39, 233-240, Wien, 1982 [peer reviewed, but not in Index Medicus due to Austrian publisher].

Ueno S, Bambauer HJ, Umar H, Ueck M: Histo- and cytochemical demonstration of guanosine triphosphatase activity in the outer segments of rods in the rat retina by means of a newly developed method. Cell Tissue Res. 234: 225-230, 1983

Bambauer HJ, Ueno S, Umar H, Ueck M: Ultracytochemical localization of Ca++-ATPase activity in pituicytes of the neurohypophysis of the guinea pig. Cell Tissue Res. 237: 491-497, 1984

Ueno S, Bambauer HJ, Umar H, Ueck M: Ultracytochemical study of Ca
++-ATPase and K+-NPPase activities in retinal photoreceptors of the guinea pig. Cell Tissue Res 237, 479-489, 1984

Ueno S, Bambauer HJ, Umar H, Ueck M: A new histo- and cytochemical method for demonstration of cyclic 3’,5’-nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity in retinal rod photoreceptor cells of the rat.
Histochemistry 81, 445-451, 1984

Ueno S, Bambauer HJ, Umar H, Ueck M: Localization and function of cyclic guanosine monophosphate-phosphodiesterase activity in the retinal rods of the rat by means of a newly developed cytochemical method.
Cell Tissue Res 238, 453-457, 1984

Ueno S, Umar H, Bambauer HJ, Ueck M: Localization of ATPases in Retinal Receptor Cells.
Ophthalmic Res 16, 15-20, 1984

Ueno S, Umar H, Bambauer HJ, Ueck M: Ultracytochemical localization of Ca
++-ATPase activity in the paraphyseal epithelial cells of the frog, Rana esculenta. Cell Tissue Res 235, 3-11, 1984

Bambauer HJ, Ueno S, Umar H, Ueck M: Histochemical and cytochemical demonstration of Ca
++-ATPase activity in the stellate cells of the Adenohypophysis of the guinea pig. Histochemistry 83, 195-200, 1985

Ueck M, Ueno S, Umar M, Umar H, Hach A: Cytochemical localization of K
+-NPPase and Ca++-ATPase activities in the pineal complex of the frog, Rana esculenta. Biomed Res 10, Suppl 3, 195-206, 1989

Umar H. Decision-Making in Clinical Dentistry: A Quest for Dental Informatics-An integrative view. Journal of American Medical Informatics Association, (submitted, to be revised).

Umar H. Capabilities of Computerized Clinical Decision Support Systems: The Implications for the Practicing Dental Professional.
The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice 3(1), 027-042, 2002

Peer Reviewed Book Chapters, Proceedings Volumes, Patents, Thesis **
** Includes all refereed articles that are published as peer-reviewed papers

Ueck M, Umar H: Environmental, Neural, and Endocrine Influences on the parenchyma of the avian pineal organ and its various responses. In: Avian Endocrinology: Environmental and Ecological perspectives (eds. Mikami S et al.), p. 201-215, Japan Sci Soc Press, Tokyo/Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1983.

Umar H: Gerät zur Herstellung von dünnen Trägerfolien aus Pioloform zum Befilmen von Grids. Gebrauchsmusterschutzes beim Deutschen Patentamt, Rollennummer G82 08 122.0, Hauptklasse B05C 3/02 (Patentblatt vom 06.10.83)

Ueck M, Ueno S, Umar H, Umar M, Hach A: Ultracytochemical studies of ATPases in the epithalamic area.
Proc XIth Int Cong on Electron Microscopy, Kyoto, p. 2255-2256, 1986

Umar M, Umar H, Hach A, Ueno S, Ueck M: Na
+-K+-ATPase and Ca++-ATPase activity in the pineal organ of the frog, Rana esculenta. In: New Frontiers in Brain Research. Proc of the 15th Göttinger Neurobiol Congress) eds.: Elsner N and Creutzfeldt O) Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart/New York, p 326, 1987

Ueck M, Umar M, Umar H, Hach A: Na
+-K+-ATPase and Ca++-ATPase activity in the pineal organ of the frog, Rana esculenta. In: Fundamentals and Clinics in Pineal Research (eds.: Trentini GP, De Gaetani C, Pévet P). Serono Symposia Publications from Raven Press, 44, pp 53-56, 1987

Umar H, Ueck M: Cytochemistry, electron-energy-loss-spectroscopy (EELS), and electron-spectroscopy-image analysis (ESI) of the ouabain-sensitive, K
+-dependent pNPPase-activity in the epithelial cells of the paraphysis and of the choroid plexus of the frog, Rana esculenta. In: Dynamics and plasticity in neuronal systems (eds. Elsner N, Singer W), Proc 17th Göttinger Neurobiol Conf, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, p 177, 1989

Umar H, Ueck M, Schoner W: Immunocytochemical and cytochemical localization of the Na
+-K+-ATPase activity in the paraphyseal and choroidal epithelial cells of the pigeon, Columba livia. In: Dynamics and plasticity in neuronal systems (eds. Elsner N, Singer W), Proc 17th Göttinger Neurobiol Conf, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, p. 178, 1989

Umar H, Reuter G: Cytochemistry, energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis, and electron-energy-loss-spectroscopy (EELS) of the Ca
++-ATPase activity in the inner and outer hair cells of the guinea pig, Cavia cobaya. In: Brain-Perception-Cognition (eds. Elsner N, Roth G) Proc 18th Göttinger Neurobiology Conference, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, p 148, 1990

Umar H, Druzdzel MJ, Brass S: A Bayesian Approach to a Dental Clinical Advisory System with EER Prosthodontic Knowledge Representation. In: Lemke HU, Inamura K, Farman AG, et al. (eds),
Proceedings of the Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery ‘CARS 2000’ Conference, (San Francisco, CA, June 28-July 2, 2000), Excerpta Medica International Congress Series (ICS 1214), Elsevier Science B.V., pp. 835-840, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2000.

Umar H: Decision-Making under Uncertainty in Clinical Dentistry: A Probabilistic Approach to a Dental Clinical Advisory System. Thesis for Master of Science in Information Science. University of Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A., June 2000

Umar H: A Markov Process in Clinical Dentistry: the Prosthodontic Cycle. In: Lemke HU, Inamura K, Farman AG, et al. (eds),
Proceedings of the Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery ‘CARS 2001’ Conference, (Berlin, Germany, June 27-30, 2001), Excerpta Medica International Congress Series (ICS 1214), Elsevier Science B.V., pp. 679-684, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2001.

Umar H: Clinical Decision-Making Using Computers: Opportunities and Limitations.
The Dental Clinics of North America, 46, 521-538, 2002

*** Includes all refereed articles that are published as peer-reviewed abstracts

Ueno S, Umar H, Bambauer HJ, Ueck M: Regulation des Ionenflusses in retinalen und pinealen Photorezeptoren. Regulation of the ion flow in retinal and pineal photoreceptors
Verh Dtsch Zool Ges, 237, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, 1983

Bambauer HJ, Ueno S, Umar H, Ueck M: Histochemischer und zytochemischer Nachweis der Ca++-ATPase-Aktivität in der Adeno- und Neurohypophyse des Meerschweinchens. Histochemical and cytochemical demonstration of Ca++-ATPase activity in the adeno- and neurohypophysis of the guinea pig. Verh Dtsch Zool Ges 77, 217, 1984

Ueno S, Umar H, Bambauer HJ, Mayahara H, Ueck M, Tsukahara J, Ogawa K:
Ultracytochemical localization of ouabain-sensitive, potassium-dependent
p-nitrophenyl-phosphatase activity in the rat lacrimal gland. Verh Anat Ges 78, 175-177, 1984

Umar H, Ueno S, Bambauer HJ, Ueck M: Electron microscopical studies of the Ca
++- and Mg++-ATPase activity in the paraphyseal epithelial cells of the frog, Rana esculenta. Verh Anat Ges 78, 587-589, 1984

Ueno S, Ueck M, Bambauer HJ, Umar H: Recent concepts of phototransductive systems on the photoreceptor outer segments.
Japanese Journal (several kanji characters) 2(4), 1985

Umar H, Ueck M, Schoner W: Immunhistochemische und zytochemische Untersuchungen der Na
+-K+-ATPase an den Epithelzellen der Paraphyse und des Plexus choroideus. Verh Dtsch Zool Ges 82: 214, 1989

Umar M, Umar H, Hach A, Ueno S, Ueck M: Ultrazytochemische Untersuchungen zur Na
+-K+-ATPase-Aktivität und Ca++-ATPase-Aktivität im Pinealkomplex des Frosches, Rana esculenta. Verh Anat Ges 82 (Anat Anz, Suppl 164): 911-931, 1989

Umar H, Reuter G: Zytochemie, energiedispersive Röntgenmikroanalyse und Elektronen-Energie-Verlust-Spektroskopie der Ca++-ATPase-Aktivität am Epithel des Innenohrs des Meerschweinchens,
Cavia cobaya. Anat Anz Jena 172: 84, 1991

Umar H, Ueck M, Kriete A: Zytochemie, elektronenspektroskopische Abbildung (ESI) und Bildanalyse der Ouabain-sensitiven, K
+-abhängigen pNPPase Aktivität in den Epithelzellen der Paraphyse und der Plexus choroidei III und IV des Frosches, Rana esculenta. Verh Anat Ges 84: 489-490, 1991

Posters, Oral Presentations, Lectures and invited Lectures

Ueno S,
Umar H, Bambauer HJ, Mayahara H, Ueck M, Tsukahara I, Ogawa K:
Ultracytochemical localization of the ouabain-sensitive, potassium-dependent p-nitrophenyl-phosphatase activity in the rat lacrimal gland. Poster presentation, 78. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Florence/Italy, May 22-28, 1983

Umar H, Ueno S, Bambauer HJ, Ueck M: Electronmicroscopical studies of the Ca++- and Mg++-ATPase activity in the paraphyseal epithelial cells of the frog, Rana esculenta. Oral presentation, 78. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Florence/Italy, May 22-28, 1983

Ueno S, Umar H, Bambauer HJ, Ueck M: A concept of ion flow in photoreceptor cells based on new histochemical findings. Poster presentation, Neurobiologentagung, Göttingen/Germany 1983

Bambauer HJ, Ueno S, Umar H, Ueck M: Histo- and Ultracytochemical localization of Ca++-ATPase activity in the adeno- and neurohypophysis of the guinea pig. Poster presentation, 4. Arbeitstagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft Würzburg/Germany, Oct. 5-7, 1983

Ueno S,
Umar H, Bambauer HJ, Ueck M: New Histochemical findings in photoreceptor cells,
Poster presentation, , 4. Arbeitstagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft Würzburg/Germany, Oct. 5-7, 1983

Umar H: ATPase studien am plexus choroideus von Amphibien und Säugetieren
Invited Lecture, 5. Gießener Woche, Istanbul/Turkey, June 2-8, 1984

Umar H: Histochemische und zytochemische ATPase Studien an sensorischen, sekretorischen und ionentranportierenden Epithelie, Invited Lecture, 5. Gießener Woche, Izmir/Turkey, June 2-8, 1984

Umar H, Ueck M: Raster-, Transmissionselektronenmikroskpische und Histochemische Untersuchungen an der Paraphyse und am Plexus choroideus des Frosches, Rana esculenta
Poster presentation, 7. Arbeitstagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft in Würzburg/Germany, Oct. 5-7, 1988

Umar H, Ueck M: Zytochemische und Röntgen-mikroanalytische Untersuchungen der Ca++-ATPase-Aktivität an der Paraphyse and am Plexus choroideus des Frosches Rana esculenta im Raster- und Transmissionselektronenmikroskop. Poster presentation, 2. Werkstattberichte aus der Experimentellen Biologie und Experimentellen Medizin – Methoden und Informationsbörse, Giessen/Germany, Nov. 4-5, 1988

Umar H
, Ueck M: Zytochemie, Elektronen-Energie-Verlust-Spektroskopie (EELS) und elektronenspektroskopische Bildanalyse (ESI) der Oubain-sensitiven, K+-abhängigen p-NPPase-Aktivität in den Epithelzellen der Paraphyse und der Plexus choroidei des Frosches, Rana esculenta. Poster presentation, 84. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft in Ulm/Germany, March 19-22, 1989

Umar H, Ueck M: Immunhistochemische und zytochemische Untersuchungen der Na+-K+-ATPase an den Epithelzellen der Paraphyse und des Plexus choroideus. Poster presentation, 82. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft in Düsseldorf/Germany, May 15-20, 1989

Umar H, Ueck M: Cytochemistry, electron-energy-loss-spectroscopy (EELS), and electron-spectroscopic-image-analysis (ESI) of the ouabain-sensitive, K+-dependent pNPPase activity in the epithelial cells of the paraphysis and of the choroid plexus of the frog, Rana esculenta
Poster presentation, 17. Neurobiologentagung in Göttingen/Germany, May 19-21, 1989

Umar H, Ueck M, Schoner W: Immunocytochemical and cytochemical localization of the Na+-K+-ATPase activity in the paraphyseal and choroidal epithelial cells of the pigeon, Columba livia
Poster presentation, 17. Neurobiologentagung in Göttingen/Germany, May 19-21, 1989

Umar H, Reuter G: Cytochemistry, energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis, and electron-energy-loss-spectroscopy (EELS) of the Ca++-ATPase activity in the inner and outer hair cells of the guinea pig, Cavia cobaya. Poster presentation, 18. Neurobiologentagung in Göttingen/Germany, June 8-10, 1990

Umar H, Reuter G: Zytochemie, energiedispersive Röntgenmikroanalyse und Elektronen-Energie-Verlust-Spektroskopie der Ca++-ATPase-Aktivität am Epithel des Innenohresdes Meerschweinchen, Cavia cobaya. Poster presentation, 8. Arbeitstagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft in Würzburg/Germany, Oct. 3-5, 1990

Umar H, Ferger P: Atomkraftmikroskopie in der Zahnheilkunde. Oral presentation, 44. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Zahnärztliche Prothetik und Werkstoffkunde, Rostock/Germany, Apr. 20-22, 1995

Umar H, Ferger P: Atomic Force Microscopy in dental research. Oral presentation, 19th Annual Conference of the European Prosthodontic Association, Cardiff/England, Sept. 6-8, 1995

Umar H, Ferger P: Computer Aided dental radiology information and archive system (dent-RIS/dent-PACS). Oral presentation, 19th Annual Conference of the European Prosthodontic Association, Cardiff/England, Sept. 6-8, 1995

Umar H: Total protez yapim teknikleri, Part I. Keynote lecture, 1
st National Congress of the Turkish Dental Association, Izmir/Turkey, Sept. 21-23, 1995

Umar H: Total protez yapim teknikleri, Part II. Keynote lecture, 1
st National Congress of the Turkish Dental Association, Izmir/Turkey, Sept. 21-23, 1995

Umar H, Ferger P: Topological Aspects of Dental Materials by means of atomic force microscopy. Poster presentation, 2nd International Symposium of Dental Materials and Technology, Ankara/Turkey, Oct. 13-14, 1995

Umar H, Ferger P: Recent developments in dent-RIS and dent-PACS. Oral presentation, 2nd International Symposium of Dental Materials and Technology, Ankara/Turkey, Oct. 13-14, 1995

Umar H: Post-core restorations of endodontically treated teeth. Keynote lecture, 5
th National Congress of the Turkish Endodontic Society, Izmir/Turkey, Apr. 18-20, 1996

Umar H: Ways to improve stability and retention of complete dentures, part I
Keynote lecture, 3
rd International Dental Congress of the Turkish Dental Association, Ankara/Turkey, June 18-22, 1996

Umar H: Ways to improve stability and retention of complete dentures, Part II. Keynote lecture, 3
rd International Dental Congress of the Turkish Dental Association, Ankara/Turkey, June 18-22, 1996

Umar H: Course on complete dentures. Keynote workshop, 3
rd International Dental Congress of the Turkish Dental Association, Ankara/Turkey, June 18-22, 1996

Umar H: Die Totalprothese – Möglichkeiten der Optimierung. Oral presentation, 8. Giessener Woche in Istanbul, Istanbul/Turkey, Oct. 2-13, 1996

Umar, H.: Möglichkeiten der Gestaltung und Nutzung des Internet für Senioren, EuroSeniorWeb, Oral presentation, Arbeitssitzung der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Senioren-Organisationen (BAGSO), Bruxel/Belgium, March 7
th, 1997

Umar, H.:Digitales Röntgen und Datensicherheit. Invited lecture and workshop, Fortbildungsveranstaltung für die Landeszahnärztekammer Hessen (German Dental Chamber), Giessen/Germany, Oct. 1
st, 1997

Umar, H.: Bildbearbeitung für Fortgeschrittene – vom Scan zum Dia. Invited lecture and workshop, Fortbildungsveranstaltung für das Klinikum der JLU, Giessen/Germany, Dec. 15– 17, 1997

Umar H: The Pillars of Dentistry - Preliminaries to Dental Informatics. Oral presentation, Medical Informatics Training Program lecture, Center for Biomedical Informatics, Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/USA, Sept. 17, 1998

Umar H: An Evaluation of Explanations of Probabilistic Inference. Class presentation of article written by: Suermondt, HJ and Cooper,GF , Computers and Biomedical Research (1993):26, 242-254. Probabilistic Methods in computer based decision support systems, Center for Biomedical Informatics, Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/USA, Nov. 12, 1998

Umar H
, Kenney RP: Dental Informatics Postgraduate Program. Oral presentation, Faculty of the Dental School, Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/USA, Jan. 13, 1999

Umar H: Clinical Applications in Dental Informatics. Oral presentation, Faculty of the Dental School, Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/USA, Feb. 4, 1999

Umar H, Restiani A: ProDent - A Clinical Dental Advisory System. Class presentation: Decision Analysis and decision support, School of Information Sciences, Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/USA, Apr. 21, 1999

Umar H: Dental Imaging. Class presentation: Introduction to Clinical Multimedia and Internet, Center for Biomedical Informatics, Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/USA, Apr. 22, 1999

Umar H: ProDent-A Dental Clinical Advisory System. Oral presentation, Medical Informatics Colloquium, Center for Biomedical Informatics, Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/USA, June 10, 1999

Umar H: ADCAS-PKR: A Bayesian approach of A Dental Clinical Advisory System with EER Prosthodontic Knowledge Representation Oral presentation, DIST Colloquium, School of Information Sciences, Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/USA, Aug. 30, 1999

Umar H: Knowledge vs. Uncertainty in Clinical Dentistry. Oral presentation, Temple Univ. School of Dentistry, Dept. Dental Informatics, Philadelphia/USA, Sept. 30, 1999

Umar H: Basic Statistics-A Brief Summary-Part I. Lecture presentation, Temple Univ. School of Dentistry, Dept. Dental Informatics, Philadelphia/USA, Oct. 14, 1999

Umar H: Basic Statistics-A Brief Summary-Part II. Lecture presentation, Temple Univ. School of Dentistry, Dept. Dental Informatics, Philadelphia/USA, Nov. 11, 1999

Umar H: Hands on SPSS. Lecture presentation, Temple Univ. School of Dentistry, Dept. Dental Informatics, Philadelphia/USA, Dec. 2, 1999

Umar H: The Dental Informatics Postgraduate Program – A Fellow’s Review. Oral presentation, Open House at Dental Informatics, Temple Univ. School of Dentistry, Dept. Dental Informatics, Philadelphia/PA, Dec. 13, 1999

Umar H: Potential for Fraudulent Use of Digital Radiography. Class presentation of article written by: Tsang, A, Sweet, D, Wood, R. JADA 130 (Sept. 1999): 1325 pp. - D502 - Dental Informatics Seminar, Temple Univ. School of Dentistry, Dept. Dental Informatics, Philadelphia/USA, Jan. 13
th, 2000

Umar H: Overview of the literature in Digital Radiology, Imaging, and Image Analysis
Class presentation: D502 - Dental Informatics Seminar, Temple Univ. School of Dentistry, Dept. Dental Informatics, Philadelphia/USA, Feb. 10
th, 2000

Umar H: SpeechActs: A Spoken-Language Framework . Class presentation of article written by: Martin P, Crabbe F, Adams S, Baatz E, and Yankelovich N. Computer 29 (7):33-40, 1996.
D502 - Dental Informatics Seminar, Temple Univ. School of Dentistry, Dept. Dental Informatics, Philadelphia/USA, Mar. 9
th, 2000

Umar H: The Quest for Dental Informatics. Oral presentation, Section of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, School of Dentistry, University of Louisville, KY/USA, Mar. 28
th, 2000

Umar H, Druzdzel MJ, Brass S: A Bayesian Approach to Dental Clinical Advisory System with EER Prosthodontic Knowledge Representation. Oral presentation, 14th International Conference on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery ‘CARS 2000’, San Francisco, CA/USA, June 28-July 2, 2000

Umar H: A Markov Process in Clinical Dentistry: the Prosthodontic Cycle. Oral presentation, 15th International Conference on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery ‘CARS 2001’, Berlin, Germany, June 27-30, 2001

Umar H: Periodontics – Yeni asamalar, Univ. of Ege, Izmir, Turkey, July 7, 2008

Umar H: Parodontitis – Neue Wege in Diagnostik und Therapie. Oral presentation, 5. Leipziger Forum für innovative Zahnmedizin, Leipzig, Germany, Sep. 5-6, 2008,

Umar H: Periimplantitis – Diagnostik und Therapie. Oral presentation, 38. Internationaler Jahreskongress der DGZI, Bremen, Germany, Oct 10-11, 2008

Umar H: Parodontitis – Diagnostik, Risiken und Therapie, Oral presentation, Nord Dental Exhibition, Hamburg, Germany, Sep. 5, 2009

Umar H: Parodontitis – Neue Wege in Diagnostik und Therapie, Oral presentation, Info Dental Exhibition, Düsseldorf, Germany, Sep 10, 2009

Umar H: Diagnosis and Treatment of Periodontal diseases using autogenous vaccines and other microbiological procedures
Continuing Educational Program for the German Dental Professional, held every 6-8 weeks, different German locations, Lecture series 2006-2016


(Apart from regular medical/dental curriculum, at least for 6 months each, at the Faculty of Medicine, Giessen University, University of Pittsburgh, School of Information Sciences, Center for Biomedical Informatics, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Temple University, School of Dentistry, Philadelphia, PA, USA, unless otherwise specified):

1980/81 Introduction to Philosophy, Faculty of Arts and Sciences

1980/81 Problems occurring during Stress Solution

1980/81 Family and its Psychological Disorders

1980/81 Structural Problems of Health Care Providers in Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and Psychosomatics,

1980/81 Transmission- and Scanning Electron Microscopy,

1981 Biological Structures in Micromorphology

1982 Nuclear biology and the use of Radionuclides in Biology, Center for Radiation and Nuclear biology

1982/83 Evolutional Biology, Faculty of Biology

Aug/Sep 1983 Internship General Surgery, Okmeydani Hastanesi (city hospital), Istanbul, Turkey

March 1985 Internship Dermatology, private office Dr. Gernand, Giessen,

August 1985 Internship Dermatology, private office Dr. Gernand, Giessen,

Sep 1985 Internship Psychiatry, LWV Hessen, Psychiatrisches Krankenhaus, Hessen Psychiatric State Hospital, Giessen, Germany

1985 Clinical Echocardiography, part I

1986 Clinical Echocardiography, part II, Rhythmic disorders

1986 Ultrasound Diagnostics

Dec. 1992 Introduction to Oral Implantology, Faculty of Dentistry, Giessen University

Jan. 1993 Guided Tissue Regeneration (Gore-Tex Periodontal and Augmentation Material), Faculty of Dentistry, Giessen University

Feb. 1995 Harmony and Esthetics – Concepts for ceramic restorations, Hessen Dental Chamber

May 1995 Occlusion and Masticatory Function (Center for Dental Education and Information, German Ivoclar Dental Inc., Ellwangen)

Nov. 1995 Digital X-ray techniques in Dentistry, Hessen Dental Chamber

1993 – 1998 Prosthodontics Practice and Residency (includes fixed, removable, outpatient care, treatment planning, gerodontology, dental materials, and maxillofacial field), Faculty of Dentistry, Dept. of Prosthodontics, Giessen University

1998 / 1999 Ethics Courses University of Pittsburgh with the following topics:
Authorship; Grantpersonship; Teaching; Writing Research Articles

July 1999 XML Summer School Certificate, University of Pittsburgh

1998 – 2000 Masters student in the Department of Information Sciences and Telecommunications, University of Pittsburgh, Faculty of Arts and Sciences; Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A.
Master of Science in Information Science, June 2000
Thesis: “Decision-Making under Uncertainty in Clinical Dentistry: A Probabilistic Approach to a Dental Clinical Advisory System.” -
Grade A (Excellent).

1998 – 2000 Fellow, Pittsburgh Medical Informatics Training Program, Dental Informatics Track, Center for Biomedical Informatics, University of Pittsburgh, and Dept. of Dental Informatics, Temple University School of Dentistry, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A.
Certificate in Dental Informatics, June 2000

2002 - 2003 Certification in LASER Dentistry, Germany

2002 - 2004 German Dental Board certified Periodontist (LZKH/LZKH)

2002 – 2004 German Dental Board certified Implantologist (DGZI/LZKH)

Feb-May 2003 Master Courses in: Therapie funktioneller Störungen des Kauorgans mit Hilfe des ARCUS-digma / PROTAR-System, University of Bonn, Dept. Prosthodontics

Feb-June 2003 CEREC Courses: Kronen, Frontzahn und 3D für Fortgeschrittene, DGCZ, Bensheim, Germany

May 2004 Die vertikale Alveolarfortsatzdistraktion und Augmentation, Basics, Hands-on, and Live OP, University of Köln (Cologne)

June 2005 Practical Soft Tissue Management – Strategies for optimal Implant Esthetics, Lecturer: A. G. Sclar, 3i Professional Education Program, Frankfurt, Germany

Sep 2005 Der neue Zahn - Implantologie in Europa, 9. BDIZ EDI Symposium, Königswinter, Germany

2008 Specialist Microbiological Therapy by A.M.T. (German accredited Training program)

Sep 2008 5. Leipziger Forum innovative Zahnmedizin, Leipzig,

Oct 2008 38th Int. Conference of DGZI, Bremen, Germany

Mar 2017 Einführung in die wissenschaftliche Akupunktur - 11./12. März 2017, Frankfurt a. M.

Apr 2017 Ohrakupunktur - Stufe 1 - 29./30. April 2017, Frankfurt a. M.

June 2017 Traditionelle Chinesische Akupunktur TCM - Stufe 1 - 10./11. Juni 2017, Frankfurt a. M.

Sept 2017 Hospitations Kurs Akupunktur - 30. Sept/01. Okt 2017, Frankfurt a. M.

Oct 2017 Ohrakupunktur - Stufe 2 - 14./15. Okt 2017, Düsseldorf

Nov 2017 Traditionelle Chinesische Akupunktur TCM - Stufe 2 - 18./19. Nov 2017, Frankfurt a. M.

Nov 2017 Zahnkurs, Materialtestung, Ohrakupunktur - 25./26. Nov. 2017, Hamburg

Feb 2018 Ohrakupunktur, Hospitations Kurs - 21. Feb 2018, Saarbrücken

Feb 2018 TCM Akupunktur, Hospitation Kurs - 28, Feb 2018, Saarbrücken

March 2018 Traditionelle Chinesische Akupunktur TCM - Stufe 3 - 03./04. März 2018, Berlin

March 2018 Ohrakupunktur - Stufe 3
gleichzeitig Laserkurs - 10./11. März 2018, Frankfurt a.M.

May 2018 Laserkurs, Akupunktur - 05./06. Mai 2018, Berlin

May 2018 Refresher Kurse für Ohr- und TCM-Akupunktur
gleichzeitig A-Diplom Prüfung - 11.-13. Mai 2018 Garmisch-Partenkirchen

June 2018 Akupunktur mit beeindruckender Wirkungsverstärkung durch Blütenessenzen - 09./10. Juni 2018, Frankfurt a. M.


Evidence based fixed and removable Prosthodontics

Decision Support System for Clinical Dentistry Using Probabilistic Reasoning

Development and Implementation of an ‘Expert System’ in Dentistry

Decision Theoretic Approach to Clinical Decision Making in Dentistry.

Applications of Statistical Analyses and Probabilistic Reasoning in Human studies.

Implementation of Dental Digital Radiology Systems into an Existing Dental Clinical Environment.

Web-Based Methods and Approaches Towards an Electronic Oral Health Record

Development and Implementation of Internet and IT structures for the advancement of Continuing Education in Medicine and Dentistry.

Diagnosis and Therapy of Periodontal Diseases incl peri-implant infections using autogenous vaccines and microbiological procedures.

Interdisciplinary Diagnosis and Therapy in Clinical Dentistry

Traditional Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture of Ear and Body) including LASER Therapy